2018-07-21 23:07:24 来源:admin 点击:1143
// li jquery object array var newsLis = $("#news-lis").children(); // total news count var count = newsLis.length; // max count for one page var ONE_PAGE_COUNT = 5; // total pages var totalPage = parseInt(count / ONE_PAGE_COUNT) + ((count % ONE_PAGE_COUNT) == 0? 0 : 1); // init page var currPage = 1; // function used to set news count function setUICount(count) { if (count == undefined) count = 0; $("#cp-count").text(count); } // function used to set total pages function setUIPages(totalPage) { totalPage = Math.max(1, totalPage); $("#total-page").text(totalPage) } // update curr page function setUICurrPage(currPage) { currPage = Math.max(1, currPage); $("#curr-page").text(currPage); } // 传入显示的page参数,显示对应页面的新闻列表,隐藏其他列表 function scanAllForShow(page) { // page at least 1 or max totalPage page = Math.max(1, Math.min(totalPage, page)); for (var i = 0;i < count;i++) { if (parseInt(i / ONE_PAGE_COUNT) + 1 == page) $(newsLis[i]).attr("style", ""); else $(newsLis[i]).attr("style", "display: none"); } } function homePage() { currPage = 1; scanAllForShow(currPage); setUICurrPage(currPage); } function nexePage() { var last = currPage; if (last == totalPage) return; scanAllForShow(++currPage); setUICurrPage(currPage); } function prevPage() { var next = currPage; if (next <= 1) return; scanAllForShow(--currPage); setUICurrPage(currPage); } function lastPage() { currPage = totalPage; scanAllForShow(currPage); setUICurrPage(currPage); } function goToPage() { var target = $("#goToPage").val(); if (target == undefined) target = currPage; target = Math.max(1, Math.min(totalPage, target)); currPage = target; scanAllForShow(target); setUICurrPage(currPage); $("#goToPage").val(""); } // 页面加载完成后调用此函数 function init() { newsLis = $("#news-lis").children(); count = newsLis.length; totalPage = count / ONE_PAGE_COUNT + ((count % ONE_PAGE_COUNT) == 0? 0 : 1); currPage = 1; setUICount(count); setUIPages(totalPage); setUICurrPage(currPage); scanAllForShow(currPage); // 注册点击函数 $("#home").click(homePage); $("#prev").click(prevPage); $("#next").click(nexePage); $("#last").click(lastPage); $("#goTo").click(goToPage); } window.onload = function() { init(); }