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postgresql 计算距离
2019-01-04 09:27:23 来源:admin 点击:1412
之前用的是ST_Distance 函数,但是貌似需要进行一次单位的转换,而且网上有说那种转换不是特别准确,现在暂时将该算法记录在此:
select st_distance(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.451737 36.520975)',900913),ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.455636 36.520885)',900913))*60*1.852;
select ST_Length(Geography(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(120.451737 36.520975,120.455636 36.520885)')));
select ST_Contains(St_Astext(ST_Buffer(geography(geomfromtext('MULTILINESTRING((线的坐标点))')),25.00{以米为单位的距离})),st_astext(geography(geomfromtext('POINT(121.37805 37.54142)')))) as result
$coordinate = 'POINT('.$long.' '.$lat.')';$zfxkm = DB::select("select id,name, st_distance(ST_GeomFromText('".$coordinate."',900913),ST_GeomFromText (ST_AsText(coordinate),900913))*60*1.852 as res from 表 where 字段= '".$字段."' order by res;"); $data = $zfxkm[0];
SELECT events.id events.name, eaerthdiatance(ll_to_earth({currentuserlat}, {currentuserlng}), llto_earth(events.lat, events.lng))
as distancefromcurrentlocation FROM events
ORDER BY distancefromcurretnlocation ASC;
SELECT events.id, events.name FROM events
WHERE earth_box({currentuserlat}, {currentuserlng}, {radiusinmetres}) @> ll_to_earth(events.lat, events.lng);
/*创建表*/ CREATE TABLE picture ( id serial PRIMARY KEY , p_uid char(12) NOT NULL, p_key char(23) NOT NULL, lat real not null, lng real NOT NULL, up int NOT NULL, down int NOT NULL, ip varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, address varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL ); /*插入记录*/ INSERT INTO picture(p_uid, p_key, lat, lng, up, down, ip, address) VALUES('aaaabbbbcccc', '2014032008164023279.png', 40.043945, 116.413668, 0, 0, '', ''); /*插入记录*/ INSERT INTO picture(p_uid, p_key, lat, lng, up, down, ip, address) VALUES('xxxxccccmmmm', '2014032008164023111.png', 40.067183, 116.415230, 0, 0, '', ''); /*选择记录*/ SELECT * FROM picture; /*更新记录*/ UPDATE picture SET address='LiShuiqiao' WHERE id=1; UPDATE picture SET address='TianTongyuan' WHERE id=2; /*对经纬度列创建索引*/ CREATE INDEX ll_idx on picture USING gist(ll_to_earth(lat, lng)); /*根据半径(1000米)选择记录*/ SELECT * FROM picture where earth_box(ll_to_earth(40.059286,116.418773),1000) @> ll_to_earth(picture.lat, picture.lng); /*选择距离当前用户的距离*/ SELECT picture.id, earth_distance(ll_to_earth(picture.lat, picture.lng), ll_to_earth(40.059286,116.418773)) AS dis FROM picture ORDER BY dis ASC; /* * 以下内容是网上的一篇教程 * 地址:http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/dbms/Data/Courses/CS631/PostgreSQL-Resources/postgresql-9.2.4/contrib/earthdistance/expected/earthdistance.out */ -- -- Test earthdistance extension -- -- In this file we also do some testing of extension create/drop scenarios. -- That's really exercising the core database's dependency logic, so ideally -- we'd do it in the core regression tests, but we can't for lack of suitable -- guaranteed-available extensions. earthdistance is a good test case because -- it has a dependency on the cube extension. -- CREATE EXTENSION earthdistance; -- fail, must install cube first ERROR: required extension "cube" is not installed CREATE EXTENSION cube; CREATE EXTENSION earthdistance; -- -- The radius of the Earth we are using. -- SELECT earth()::numeric(20,5); earth --------------- 6378168.00000 (1 row) -- -- Convert straight line distances to great circle distances.把直线距离转成大圆距离 -- SELECT (pi()*earth())::numeric(20,5); numeric ---------------- 20037605.73216 (1 row) SELECT sec_to_gc(0)::numeric(20,5); sec_to_gc ----------- 0.00000 (1 row) -- -- Convert great circle distances to straight line distances. -- SELECT gc_to_sec(0)::numeric(20,5); gc_to_sec ----------- 0.00000 (1 row) SELECT gc_to_sec(sec_to_gc(2*earth()))::numeric(20,5); gc_to_sec ---------------- 12756336.00000 (1 row) -- -- Set coordinates using latitude and longitude. -- Extract each coordinate separately so we can round them. -- SELECT cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,0),1)::numeric(20,5), cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,0),2)::numeric(20,5), cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(0,0),3)::numeric(20,5); cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord ---------------+---------------+--------------- 6378168.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 (1 row) SELECT cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(360,360),1)::numeric(20,5), cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(360,360),2)::numeric(20,5), cube_ll_coord(ll_to_earth(360,360),3)::numeric(20,5); cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord | cube_ll_coord ---------------+---------------+--------------- 6378168.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 (1 row) -- -- Test getting the latitude of a location. -- SELECT latitude(ll_to_earth(0,0))::numeric(20,10); latitude -------------- 0.0000000000 (1 row) SELECT latitude(ll_to_earth(45,0))::numeric(20,10); latitude --------------- 45.0000000000 (1 row) -- -- Test getting the longitude of a location. -- SELECT longitude(ll_to_earth(0,0))::numeric(20,10); longitude -------------- 0.0000000000 (1 row) SELECT longitude(ll_to_earth(45,0))::numeric(20,10); longitude -------------- 0.0000000000 (1 row) -- -- For the distance tests the following is some real life data. -- -- Chicago has a latitude of 41.8 and a longitude of 87.6. -- Albuquerque has a latitude of 35.1 and a longitude of 106.7. -- (Note that latitude and longitude are specified differently -- in the cube based functions than for the point based functions.) -- -- -- Test getting the distance between two points using earth_distance. -- SELECT earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0))::numeric(20,5); earth_distance ---------------- 0.00000 (1 row) SELECT earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,180))::numeric(20,5); earth_distance ---------------- 20037605.73216 (1 row) -- -- Test getting the distance between two points using geo_distance. -- SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(0,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5); geo_distance -------------- 0.00000 (1 row) SELECT geo_distance('(0,0)'::point,'(180,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5); geo_distance -------------- 12436.77274 (1 row) -- -- Test getting the distance between two points using the operator. -- SELECT ('(0,0)'::point '(0,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5); numeric --------- 0.00000 (1 row) SELECT ('(0,0)'::point '(180,0)'::point)::numeric(20,5); numeric ------------- 12436.77274 (1 row) -- -- Test for points that should be in bounding boxes. -- SELECT earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0), earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,1))*1.00001) @> ll_to_earth(0,1); ?column? ---------- t (1 row) SELECT earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0), earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.1))*1.00001) @> ll_to_earth(0,0.1); ?column? ---------- t (1 row) -- -- Test for points that shouldn't be in bounding boxes. Note that we need -- to make points way outside, since some points close may be in the box -- but further away than the distance we are testing. -- SELECT earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0), earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,1))*.57735) @> ll_to_earth(0,1); ?column? ---------- f (1 row) SELECT earth_box(ll_to_earth(0,0), earth_distance(ll_to_earth(0,0),ll_to_earth(0,0.1))*.57735) @> ll_to_earth(0,0.1); ?column? ---------- f (1 row)